


Step 0


Dont Throw The Baby Out With The Bathwater
Domain Blindness
The Red Pill
Timing Paradox
Management Workers Paradox
Process Paradox
Unconscious Degradation
False Accomplishment
Reality Avoidance
Its Just Not Sexy
The Drowning Children
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Change De-Motivation - What De-Motivates Management to Change

  .           ►►► PEFF>Adoption>Step-0>Demotivation>Domain-Blindness

The Don't Throw The Baby Out With The Bathwater barrier to getting an Enterprise to mature its Transformation capability is that people assume that Pragmatic is asking them to throw away the frameworks and the MAGIC they currently use, and use Pragmatic's instead. This is not correct.

Pragmatic's frameworks are logical guides to help organisations increase the Effectiveness, Efficiency, Agility and Sustainability of your Transformation Capability. Adopting them is an adjustment to what and how work is carried out. read more, please Login or Register

Enroll to Self Study Now!         ►►► PEFF>Adoption>Step-0>Demotivation>Domain-Blindness


Adopt this component by...

PEFF/POET/PEAF don’t replace what you do.

They make the MAGIC your do more Effective, Efficient, Agile and Sustainable.

C-Suite: Engage Pragmatic to understand how they can increase the Effectiveness, Efficiency, Agility and Sustainability of your Transformation Capability.

Questions to ponder...

Do you assume adoption of a framework means you need to throw all your current processes away?

Does the management of your Enterprise assume adoption of a framework means you need to throw all your current processes away?

If so, what problems do you think are likely to result?

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