


Step 0


Paradigm Shift
WE Deming
70 of All Change Initiatives Fail
Enterprise Viability
Sage Words
Basic Premise
The Transformation of Transformation
What Your Transformation Capability Looks Like
Building the Machine that Makes the Machine
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Change Motivation - What Motivates Management to Change

PEFF>Adoption>Step-0>Motivation>Sage-Words ◄◄◄           .           ►►► PEFF>Adoption>Step-0>Motivation>The-Transformation-of-Transformation

“The only constant is change!” has been the battle cry for many years but just being able to deal with change is no longer enough. The new battle cry is “The only constant is the acceleration of change!”

How an Enterprise effects Transformation has become a Strategic Strength or a Strategic Weakness, where massive business opportunities can be gained or massive business problems will result. read more, please Login or Register

PEFF>Adoption>Step-0>Motivation>Sage-Words ◄◄◄         Enroll to Self Study Now!         ►►► PEFF>Adoption>Step-0>Motivation>The-Transformation-of-Transformation


Adopt this component by...

How an Enterprise effects Transformation is becoming a Strategic Strength or a Strategic Weakness.

C-Suite: Agree that HOW the Enterprise effects Transformation is A) a Strategic Strength or B) a Strategic Weakness.

Questions to ponder...

Do you agree with this basic premise?

If not, why not?

What are you doing to make sure HOW your Enterprise effects the whole of Transformation is a Strategic Strength rather than a Strategic Weakness?

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