



Step 4
Step 5
Setup EA Governance
Prepare Process Change
Define the EA Meta model
Prepare EA Education
Prepare Culture Change
Select an EA Modelling Tool
Step 6
Rollout Process Change


Setup the EA Meta model
Provide EA Education
Rollout Culture Change
Click a Thumbnail to read the component. Hold down Ctrl while clicking to expand the image


Certified - Master Certification Training 3 - Certified

PEAF>Adoption>Step-5>Actions>Prepare-Process-Change ◄◄◄           .           ►►► PEAF>Adoption>Step-5>Actions>Prepare-EA-Education

This process defines the Meta-model that will be used for gathering and analysing information that is to be stored in the EA Modelling Tool.

Since some EA Modelling Tools have pre-existing and somewhat static Meta-models this process may not be required. However, even if the approach is to use whatever Meta-model that comes with the Tool that will be selected, it is still a good idea to go through this process to identify the initial entities, relationships and views that are initially important to the Enterprise as beginning with a massive and detailed Meta-model can dilute the focus. read more, please Login or Register

PEAF>Adoption>Step-5>Actions>Prepare-Process-Change ◄◄◄         Enroll to Self Study Now!         ►►► PEAF>Adoption>Step-5>Actions>Prepare-EA-Education


Adopt this component by...

Without an EA metamodel, we won't be able to do any sensible modelling.

EA Project Team: Define the EA metamodel.

Questions to ponder...

Does this process match your Enterprises process for Defining the EA Metamodel?

If not, is their anything missing?

How would you define this process?

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