



TOGAF and Zachman
Raw Scores
Example Weightings 1
Example Weightings 2


Now What
Content vs Benefits
Other Frameworks
Other Detail
Guidance vs Detail


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Missing Perspective and Model
Architect Engineer
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Perspectives and Models
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TOGAF - Comparing POET and PEAF to TOGAF and Zachman

PF2>Frameworks>Comparisons>TOGAF>Other-Detail ◄◄◄           .           ►►► PF2>Frameworks>Comparisons>TOGAF>Trends

Here we compare frameworks in terms of the level of guidance they provide versus where they sit in the Transformation cascade (From Strategy to Deployment). The left of the diagram illustrates the 20% that provides 80% of the benefit. The right of the diagram illustrates the 80% that provides 20% of the benefit.

20% of

Zachman provides very low detail and only in the structural parts of the cascade. However, it is part of the 20% that provides 80% of the benefit. read more, please Login or Register

PF2>Frameworks>Comparisons>TOGAF>Other-Detail ◄◄◄         Enroll to Self Study Now!         ►►► PF2>Frameworks>Comparisons>TOGAF>Trends


Adopt this component by...

POET/PEAF/PEEF provides the 20% (fundamentals) that yields 80% of the benefit. TOGAF provides the 80% (details), that yields 20% of the benefit.

Management: Decide what is more important – A) The 20% (fundamentals) that yields 80% of the benefit, or B) the 80% (details), that yields 20% of the benefit.

Questions to ponder...

Where do the frameworks your Enterprise uses map onto this diagram?

Do the frameworks you use cover the areas you need to cover?

What do you use to guide the use of Frameworks?

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