Does your Enterprise have a pattern for Accountability and Responsibility, that enables the whole of the Transformation cascade to work together coherently?
Does your Enterprise have a pattern for Consulting and Informing people, that enables the whole of the Transformation cascade to work together coherently?
What would the diagram look like if you overlaid the people and roles that your Enterprise defines along with their RACI mappings?
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The Pragmatic Role and Phase patterns are key to assigning RACI to roles.

This view shows how the various roles of Transformation map
to the different phases of Transformation. The roles shown here may differ from
the names used in your Enterprise. These are not hard and fast divisions of
labour but will allow us to illustrate how the simple patterns tabled here,
when repeated at each level, allow the whole to work together coherently. read more, please Login or Register |
Keypoint |
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The Pragmatic Role and Phase patterns are key to assigning RACI to roles.
Management: Apply the Role and Phase patterns when assigning RACI to Transformation roles.
Questions to ponder... |
Does your Enterprise have a pattern for Accountability and Responsibility, that enables the whole of the Transformation cascade to work together coherently? |
Does your Enterprise have a pattern for Consulting and Informing people, that enables the whole of the Transformation cascade to work together coherently? |
What would the diagram look like if you overlaid the people and roles that your Enterprise defines along with their RACI mappings? |