Have you heard the term “Transformation Debt™” before?
Do you think applying “Technical Debt” to all guidance, and all parts and all phases of Transformation is useful?
If not, why not?
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Transformation Debt™ is applying the principle of Technical Debt to all Guidance, all Phases and all Levels of Transformation.

The concept of Transformation
Debt™ (originally called Enterprise Debt™) read more, please Login or Register |
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Transformation Debt™ is applying the principle of Technical Debt to all Guidance, all Phases and all Levels of Transformation.
Enterprise Architect: Apply the concept of Transformation Debt™. (Application of the Technical Debt concept to all guidance, all phases and all levels of Transformation.)
Questions to ponder... |
Have you heard the term “Transformation Debt™” before? | Do you think applying “Technical Debt” to all guidance, and all parts and all phases of Transformation is useful? | If not, why not? |