If you already use an EA Modelling Tool, how does the tool you currently use fair?
If you are not currently using and EA Modelling Tool, which Tool Vendors will you shortlist?
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Be aware that many Tool vendors can be very economical with the truth.

Here we see an overview of the vendor supplied scores
against each of the requirements. The evaluation scores have been supplied by
the vendors themselves. Pragmatic accepts no
responsibility for the accuracy of the information presented. Accuracy and correctness
of the information rests solely with the individual companies concerned. read more, please Login or Register |
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Be aware that many Tool vendors can be very economical with the truth.
EA Project Team: Be very sceptical when talking to Tool Vendors.
Questions to ponder... |
If you already use an EA Modelling Tool, how does the tool you currently use fair? |
If you are not currently using and EA Modelling Tool, which Tool Vendors will you shortlist? |